Happy Holidays

Temporary Meeting Location Change

Due to a scheduling conflict at the Dennis PD, BARC will be holding the April and May meetings at the Dennis Council On Aging. 
It is just North of the police station on rout 134.

FCC exams will also be at this location during for this time. 

February Meeting...

-- Meeting CANCELED --
Our meeting for tomorrow 2/8/16 has been canceled due to the approaching nasty weather.

See you all in March!

Barbara Leiden, N1UI - SK 1/9/2016

It is with deep regret that I pass this message along. As some of you are aware Barbara Leiden N1UI passed early this morning as the results of a terrible accidental fall in her home. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Rob, K1UI and his family. The officers and directors of BARC & I'm sure the entire membership share in the loss. We will pass along arrangement information when it becomes available.

Barry / KB1TLR
Pres. BARC


Yaesu System Fusion Digital to be Installed on 146.955

Another mode option is coming to the 146.955, K1PBO repeater.  Yeasue's  "System Fusion" digital C4FM will be an option around late March if it ships as expected. 

This system will allow analog and digital (one at a time) to coexist  on the same pair.  So users with digital capability can utilize it and anayone without can use analog the analog operation will remain the same, and the digital does add some neat features.

BARC in Cape Cod Times, Field Day 2015

Rob Leiden sets up his satellite radio transmission station at the Brewster Sportsman Club on Saturday during the Barnstable Amateur Radio Club's field day. Steve Heaslip photos/Cape Cod Times

WCAI visits BARC's Field Day

The pickup trucks parked at the Brewster Sportsman’s Club have unusually large radio antennas on them. Set up in the field just beyond the trucks are... View full story at WCAI's website.

ARRL Field Day 2015 - Logging

We will be using N3FJP's "Field Day Contest Log" software again this year.  Apparently our lock-up problems last year were related to the hardware running the software and not the software. (lets hope) So this year we will be rolling out the heavy hitter a Dell Poweredge1950 dual 3.0 GHz Xeon quad-core CPU, 1U server running Windows 8.1 Enterprise!  If it will not work on this we will be in the market for new software. 

2017 Field Day Results

BARC had 792 CW and 508 phone and 26 solar QSOs. Total points submitted were 5084

Thanks ro all who made our field day possible. 



Cape Cod Mini Maker Faire 2015

It was a excellent day for the 2015 Cape Cod Mini Maker Faire at Cape Cod Community Collage.  We had a lot more contacts than we expected (274!) and would like to thank all of the stations who made contact.

If you made contact with us and would like a certificate to confirm the QSO please use our log book.


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