Field Day 2023 Wrap-Up

Field Day 2023 Wrap-up presentation

2023 Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Cape Cod Getaway

 The 2023 Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Cape Cod Getaway, a 2-day bicycle fundraising ride utilizing amateur radio for rest stop and route support communications coordinating ancillary, mechanical, medical volunteer support servicing the participant needs.  

 We will be running Net Control again this year from our Communications Trailer on Saturday from Kingston and Sunday from Wellfleet and may be reached on the air as ‘MS Net Control’ or my cell 508-944-1898 as needed.

Sunday, June 25, 2023 - 05:00

MS Ride - Volunteers needed

John, N1PYN is looking for volunteer operators to staff the June 2023 MS ride.  Here is an oppertunity for local Hams to contribute and increase the visibility of Ham operators helping the community.  Please respond to John at:

Thank you

Saturday, June 24, 2023 - 07:00 to Sunday, June 25, 2023 - 14:00

Camp Greenough Ham Station Status - April 3, 2023

Camp Greenough Ham Station Status - April 3, 2023

Calibration your transceiver frequency

Transceiver Calibration, Precision Frequency Measurement, and The Frequency Measuring Test presentation by George Allison, K1IG

SkyWarn Training Class - April 18, 2023

The National Weather Service will conduct a SkyWarn training class on April 18, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Sandwich Police Department, 255 Cotuit Road, Sandwich, MA 02563. 
Registration is required and the link is on the Boston NWS SkyWarn web page.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 18:30

On the Effects of Driven Element L/D Ratio and Length in VHF-SHF Yagi-Uda Arrays

For folks intersted in more detail on performance of VHF/UHF Yagis, please check out the attached paper by Richard Formato, W3AZ.  On the Effects of Driven Element L/D Ratio and Length in VHF-SHF Yagi-Uda Arrays

Cape Cod's Fabulous Radio History - March 2023

Here is the link to Cape Cod's Fabulos Radio History, present by Dr. Ed Moxon, K1GGI 

ARRLMembership form - Affiliated Clubs

Please use this form to join or renew your ARRL membership.  Your renewal will provide $5 commision to BARC.  New memberships (longer than 2 years from previous membership) will provide $15 commision to BARC.  Thanks for your support.  

All About Home Automation - Bruce WA3SWJ

Very informative presentation on Home Automation


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