BARC Field Day 2022

ARRL Field Day 2022
Last full weekend in June - June 24-26
All interested
Call sign:

** Preliminary information - subject to change **

About Field Day

ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June, each year more than 35,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups, or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

Field Day offers many things to many people, it is a contest, club cookout, emergency drill, social gathering, and more. Whatever aspect of Field Day you find the most appealing to you, you will definitely have a good time. The "official" goal of Field Day is to contact as many stations as you can in the twenty-four-hour operating window. This is also BARC's largest yearly event and we like to have a good time. Saturday evening we all enjoy sitting down to a large pot luck dinner.

Not a contester?

Not a problem! BARC operates field day to have a good time. If you have never operated during a contest or another Field Day come on down and we will guide you through all aspects and have you operating in no time. In fact, we have a dedicated station for anyone new to Field Day or Amateur Radio. It is the Get On The Air station (GOTA) At this station, you will have a dedicated coach to walk you through everything.


Operating at our Field Day site

All operating is done from the clubhouse. We run as a 3A class (The three is the number of transmitters and "A" designates emergency power) this has kept us operating for the full 24hrs last year. Bandpass filters are used to eliminate interference from radio to radio. Due to using the filters each radio is more or less assigned to one band at a time. If you want to switch bands you just change operating stations. The radio equipment used during Field day is all personal property of our members. (please respect it)

During the event, every contact we make is logged into a computerized logging system. BARC has found N3FJP's "Field Day Network Logger" to be an excellent logging system. It's easy and intuitive to use. But it also offers all the functionality you would expect from a contest logger. Operating the radio, making contact, and logging all at the same time is definitely an acquired skill! Whenever possible we will pair up and have one person log and another operate and make the contacts. So, even if you don't want to get on the air, you can still log and get a good experience of what the event is like.

Let's look at the Objective of Field day as stated by the ARRL: 

"To work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions.  Field Day is open to all amateurs in the areas covered by the ARRL/RAC Field Organizations and countries within IARU Region 2. DX stations residing in other regions may be contacted for credit, but are not eligible to submit entries."

Our Club has expanded upon the ARRL's objective, in that we feel the following are of equal importance:
We get together as a club and have fun, collectively solve any problems that may arise, operate equipment that we might not otherwise have access to, watch and listen to other hams and the way they do things to learn in an environment that is not a formal classroom, and do everything considering good engineering practice and in a safe manner.

Field Day Schedule:

10:00am  - The goal for Friday is to get everything set up except the radios and laptops.  This includes getting the area ready for Saturday. If it is raining bring a rain jacket!

9:00am - The goal for Saturday is to set up all operating stations with radio and computer equipment. 
2:00pm - Field Day contacts start! 
6:00pm - Club Dinner ALL MEMBERS AND FAMILY ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND (please bring something... see above) 

2:00pm - Pack up everything and transport to storage... (takes about 3 hrs)

Recover from event

The operating sign-up sheet is here...