Jim, WA1KCC - SK

It is great sadness that we report the passing of a long time BARC member Kenneth Bradbury Jr (aka. Jim Bradbury) WA1KCC.  Jim passed away yesterday afternoon at his Hyannis home with his family by his side.


the June meeting is June 5 at the Dennis Police Station. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM.Presentatio on DMR use.

Repeater Down for Maintenance

The 146.955 repeater will be off the air until Sunday afternoon May 7 2017. 

Some of the power cabling and RF interconnects are being replaced and require off-site work with existing parts. 

The Controller will be changed and some settings changed to improve the analog audio. 

Field Day Meeting

Meeting of ALL those that can help at this years field day will be held Mon. May 3, prior to our normal monthly meetingField day meeting 6:00pmnormal monthly meeting 7:00 pmAt Dennis Senior Center rt 134, Dennis 

146.955- YAESU System Fuion up and Repeating!

The YSF repeater was installed at the146.955, K1PBO site in the early morning hours today and is ready to go!

Yeasue's  "System Fusion" is a digital C4FM signal.  The repeater is configured as Digital/Analog system.  It is in "AUTO/AUTO" mode.  This means what ever RX modulation type it receives is what it will send out.  

New VE Administrator, Al Ryan - WW1RF

Al Ryan has accepted the VE coordinator position. We thank him for volunteering. BARC also thanks Celeste W1CMD for the years she provided this service.

Peter Howes, KB1UZW - SK

Our friend & fellow ham, past treasurer of BARC and an advisor to the school radio club; Peter Howes, KB1UZW, passed away last Sunday in Florida. We just spoke to June his wife and she told of just how much he enjoyed the hobby and our club.

Welcome New member Bruce Beauchemin KC1HAN

Bruce Beauchemin, KC1HAN was re-licenced last month has now Joined BARC.

KC1EXF Upgraded to General and is now a New Member!


Congratulations to Philip Desroches - KC1EXF on his passing the General exam tonight!

BARC also Welcomes Philip as our newest member.

Repeater noise

At the  Dec 28 meeting of the board of directors meeting, it was stated that the noise on the repeater had returned sporadically. N1ZPO will monitor and if the noise starts continuously again, he will check the site, with the noise active.

N1ZPO asked that anyone that hears the noise, please text N1ZPO are inform him on what you are receiving. Thank you for your assistance. We hope to eliminate the problem permanently .





Mark Wa1exa


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What we do...

Upcoming Events

Harwich Cranberry Festival

Contact: Mark WA1EXA

We have a great, visible location to meet and greet the public, promote our club and Amateur Radio, and get on the air.   Ir's also a lot of fun.

See https://www.harwichcranberryartsandmusicfestival.org/harwich-cranberry-arts-and-music-festival-1



New location--New Boston NH

see https://near-fest.com/come-to-near-fest/

Cape Cod Marathon

Falmouth--contact Barry KB1TLR

AFSC Walk for Alzheimer's - Provincetown

Contact: Al WW1RF

Great Shakeout


Interesting worldwide  event via Winlink from home. See https://www.shakeout.org/

Jamboree-on-the-Air, (JOTA)