Bullet Proof Diesel - Antenna Mounts

If you have a truck and want an antenna mount that is of excellent quality and does not require you drilling a hole in the roof this may be a good option for you. 

After discovering my new work truck was an all-aluminum body I was a bit hesitant to put a large 5/8 wave NMO mount in the roof.  It also had a ton of airbags mounted on the sides and it looked like a PITA to get around them.  I then discovered this:


Beginning this Sunday (March 29, 2020), BARC will operate a weekly net at 7 pm every Sunday. We will use BARC’s K1PBO 2-meter repeater at 146.955, - shift, CTCSS of 88.5.
The net will be open to all BARC members as well as anyone else who wishes to check in.
Why weekly? Because we are in a situation that requires social distancing. Many of our members may not have a ready means to stay in touch with the Club or its members as a group. A weekly net will provide members that social contact.

Massachusetts Distracted Driving Law As Applied to Ham Radio Operation

A new distracted driving law was passed in 2019 and went into effect on February 23, 2020. It states, in pertinent part, that, 

Allstar Link

We are in the process of adding AllStar Link nodes to the 146.955 K1PBO repeater.  This will be in testing along with several other changes this fall and hopefully in service around the first of the year.

This will allow linking to any other AllStar node and a DMR and EchoLink Bridge This will allow for increased connectivity of the repeater.  


146.955 Repeater Maintenance - 8/10/2019

The BARC 146.955 repeater will be taken off the air for maintenance around noon on Saturday, August 10th.    We hope to have it back up and running by dusk.  



National Lighthouse Weekend, Highland Light, Truro, MA

  The Northeast Amateur Radio Club will be operating National Lighthouse Weekend, Saturday & Sunday, August 3-4, 2019 at Highland Lighthouse, Truro, MA. Join us on the air!

 Operating Times: Saturday, Aug. 3rd, 5PM-11:45PM / Sunday, Aug. 4th, 10AM-6PM.

73 Russ K1RTA-President / Bill N2KNL-Vice President

KM1CC Marconi Special Event April 27, 2019

  Hello fellow members. This Saturday, April 27, 2019 the KM1CC Marconi Radio Club will be celebrating Guglielmo Marconi's Birthday (April 25, 1874) at the Cape Cod National Seashore Coast Guard Station, Eastham, MA.  Visiting hours are 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Saturday. Operating hours are from 8:00 PM Friday until 8:00 PM Saturday Eastern Daylight Time. Please join us!

HF Coming Back to the Military

The National Guard is working to bring back the use of high-frequency communications rather than having sole dependence on satellite communication. Photo courtesy of U.S. Army/Staff Sgt. Jim Greenhill

Board of directors meeting

the board of directors meeting will be at 5pm prior to Christmas party today


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What we do...

Upcoming Events

Harwich Cranberry Festival

Contact: Mark WA1EXA

We have a great, visible location to meet and greet the public, promote our club and Amateur Radio, and get on the air.   Ir's also a lot of fun.

See https://www.harwichcranberryartsandmusicfestival.org/harwich-cranberry-arts-and-music-festival-1



New location--New Boston NH

see https://near-fest.com/come-to-near-fest/

Cape Cod Marathon

Falmouth--contact Barry KB1TLR

AFSC Walk for Alzheimer's - Provincetown

Contact: Al WW1RF

Great Shakeout


Interesting worldwide  event via Winlink from home. See https://www.shakeout.org/

Jamboree-on-the-Air, (JOTA)