Boston Marathon - Volunteers needed

The Boston Marathon is in need of an additional 80 – 100 volunteers to provide communications for the 2022 Boston Marathon.  It’s a great opportunity to provide a public service, meet many fellow hams, and just have fun enjoying amateur radio during this event.  It’s a great way for new hams and old hams alike to show what amateur radio is all about. 


Monday, April 18, 2022 - 07:00

Introduction to Nano VNA - WA1JXR

Inroduction to Nano VNA presented at January 2022 General Membershio meeting by Greg Algieri, WA1JXR

2022 Dues

Pleas note, invoices for membership renewal are sent out automatically.  Please wait until you have received an invoice before paying.  Not all memberships expire Dec 31.  Recent new memberships renew on the date that you applied for membership. Thanks for your attention. 

Remembering Bill, N2KNL

Hello Everyone,

Before the tower leaves the backyard, Russ is helping me raise it a final time to remember & celebrate Bill.  He loved our backyard & you wouldn’t believe the difference from when he first moved in. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - 11:30

Red Cross Amateur Radio EmComm Drills and Training

From: Wayne Robertson, K4WK A nationwide EmComm Radio Drill is set for May 8, and we are having monthly Winlink trainings between now and then. Last Fall's Drill attracted over 1,500 hams in 47 states to practice passing Red Cross traffic and it was written up in QST [QST Feb 2010 pp. 71-72]. To be informed, pls join our for updates and announcements.  We've just opened a website, too.   


Subscribe to Barnstable Amateur Radio Club RSS

What we do...

Upcoming Events

Harwich Cranberry Festival

Contact: Mark WA1EXA

We have a great, visible location to meet and greet the public, promote our club and Amateur Radio, and get on the air.   Ir's also a lot of fun.




New location--New Boston NH


Cape Cod Marathon

Falmouth--contact Barry KB1TLR

AFSC Walk for Alzheimer's - Provincetown

Contact: Al WW1RF

Great Shakeout


Interesting worldwide  event via Winlink from home. See

Jamboree-on-the-Air, (JOTA)