WBZ 100th Anniversary -Opportunity to Operate
The Billerica Amateur Radio Society, along with the Hampden County RadioAssociation in Springfield, will be commemorating WBZ's 100th anniversary byconducting a special operating event starting at 1300z/9:00 AM EDT September17 and ending at 0359z September 20/11:59 PM EDT September 19. Amateursusing the callsigns W1W, W1B, W1Z, and WB1Z will make two-way contact withother amateurs across all bands on SSB, AM, CW, and digital modes. A specialQSL card will be sent to anyone who contacts one or more of the specialevent stations and sends a card accompanied by a self-addressed, stampedenvelope.If you or someone you know might be interested in operating one of thespecial stations, please contact Larry Krainson, W1AST, at<mailto:wb1dby@comcast.net> wb1dby@comcast.net. Seeking New Englandoperators only at this time.More information on this event at https://nediv.arrl.org/wbz100/