Field Day instruction class ((Home Station Focus)
This is an anouncement from another club, but the same info, and the class on zoom, applies to BARC. Field Day 2021 is June 26-27, 2021 from 1800 UTC (2 pm Eastern time) Saturday to 2059 UTC (4:59 PM Eastern) Sunday. CARA encourages all who are able to operate under their own call sign, and indicate K3CUJ as the club when submitting logs to ARRL so individual scores will be combined for an aggregate score for CARA. If you're new to ham radio, HF operations, or contesting, we've got several experienced operators who welcome you to join them at their stations to see what it's all about. We also just learned that Rol Anders, the instructor for the licensing classes at the National Electronics Museum and one of the coordinators for the W3AO summer Field Day operation, is offering a special Field Day instruction class on Monday, 21 June at 6:30 pm via Zoom. We are sharing his invitation here: "Not sure what Field Day is all about, but would like to learn? Thinking about getting on and want some tips? Never been in Field Day but might want to join in the fun for a few contacts? Just like talking about Field Day? Join our Zoom presentation on Monday, June 21, at 6:30 pm. "This year, ARRL is allowing home stations to work all Field Day stations, including other home stations. As a result, there will be lots of participation from home. To help folks get on for Field Day, we are going to do a special "Get On The Air for Field Day" presentation this coming Monday at 6:30 pm. All are welcome. You can participate on any band or mode. We'll explain a bit of history of FD, go over the rules, and provide some advice on how to get on from home. We'll give some tips on how to make FT8 contacts in FD, which will be very active on all bands including 6 and 2 meters as well as HF bands. " Join Zoom Meeting:Go to, click Join a Meeting, and enter Meeting ID: 819 8000 4849, Passcode: 223204