Monthly General Membership Meetings

Monthly Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, at 7 PM at the Dennis Fire Station #2

350 Paddocks Path, Dennis MA

Meetings are in-person, with a Zoom session for those who cannot travel. Invitations with the Zoom invite are emailed before the Monthly Meeting.


Logging Discussion 03/03/25 Meeting

These are the slides I was showing at the Monday night meeting.

Basic Wires-X Information

Click on the link below to read some basic information on the Yaesu Wires-X system. 

For further information, contact Don Dygert at


Active Wires-X Rooms

The World of APRS by Michael Ford / WZ0C

Presented at the March 5, BARC General Membership Meeting 

C4FM - System Fusion coming to the 146.955 Repeater, Summer 2024

BARC will install a DR-2X System Fusion repeater at the Dennis 146.955 site.  This will allow users more options and modes of operation. 

You may recall BARC tried this before with a DR-1X and ran into ishues with interfacing our required controller.  Yaesu made hardware and software changes to the DR-2X that we anticipate will allow for a more unified system integration.

Honda EU2000i Conversion to Propane (only)

About one year into owning my EU2000, it started experiencing carburetor problems due to the ethanol fuel and junk clogging the EXTREMELY small passages in the carberator. 

This is a dedicated Propane unit (will NOT run on gasoline).  All original Gasoline parts were removed.

Building a Panadapter on the Wicked Cheap - Presented by Jon McCombie, N1ILZ

Building a Panadapter on the Wicked Cheap - Presented by Jon McCombie, N1ILZ on Oct 2, 2023

RTL-SDR Dongle Software Defined Radio On the Cheap By Rick Swenton, W1RHS

RTL-SDR DongleSoftware Defined Radio On the CheapBy Rick Swenton, W1RHS 10-08-2021

2023 Provincetown Walk for Alzheimer’s

Needed: 6 volunteers for the Alzheimer Family Support Center Provincetown Walk. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023 - 11:00 to 14:00


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What we do...

Upcoming Events

W1MGY Titanic Event (possibly including POTA)


Plans for operation in development. Contacr Barry KB1TLR,

This is another opportunity to gain operating experience. If we arre able to do this as a club, there will always be a General or Extra class control operator on site, so Technicians can operate on HF.'s a good time with your fellow club members!

World Amateur Radio Day


Recognizing the 100 anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

See radio-day for information.

NEARFest New Boston NH


Early camping 5/1


Dayton Hamvention

Dave Birtwell Walk for Alzheimer's

Joint with FARA.  Contact Chris WA1CMR.